assist elderly persons and their families regardless of race,
religion, creed or color, in finding and making use of their
resources. To establish and maintain programs and services which
are appropriate and realistic to elderly. To establish the value
of human life, dignity, of self-worth, an atmosphere of respect,
trust, and support. To make the elderly an integral part of
the community allowing them to live with dignity and a purposeful
life throughout their golden years and to help avoid institutionalization.
Commission on Aging Family Services, Inc. Board of Directors,
shall consist of no fewer than nine nor more than eleven citizens
who shall be residents of Grant County, unless Agencies representative.
shall be a broad representation of the citizens of the county,
local agencies (health Department, Department of Health and
Human Resources, Social Security Administration), minority groups
with a majority being 60 years or older who works and interests
are germane to the objectives of the Commission On Aging Family
Services, Inc. A letter of support, participation, confidentiality
shall determine the membership.
Board responsibilities shall include:
- Promote community understanding and support.
- Maintaining liaison with satellites and other groups.
- Organizing fund-raising projects.
- Evaluating project performance annually.